Sunday, 2 June 2019

Fitness is A MINDSET

Hey there ! Welcome to my Fitness blog.

I know that every person wants to become fit , as there will be no person who is okay to be stocky or chubby !
Being chubby is not bad, but in fact Not bad at all, as long as you're happy and healthy !

Chubby is Cute

But this blog is for those people who wants to be fit and shred some fat out of their body just like me!
Many people spend a lot of time on you tube and different other websites researching on things like


You will have 'n' number of videos about that.

Look I am not telling that you should not research , having a sound knowledge on things is always good !

But my point is what's the use of knowing all the things but not applying it in life !

Come On guys we all know how to lose weight and things to do to lose weight but we never take a step to do that ! Knowing about things is always great but make a habit to do what you know about !

Atleast follow those 5 ways , SOMETHING is BETTER than NOTHING !


Do not tell yourself that you will start gymming or exercising from tomorrow or from Monday or from next Week or next Month or just for next year to make a new year resolution to lose weight, this process just continues!

I did the same ! I just paid the whole year gym fees in the form of money and went only for the first week and after that I didn't go to the gym and I recieved payments in the form of regrets !

I have wasted so much money in the gym and didn't go to the gym rather if I would have saved those money then my house would be bigger than "Burj khalifa".. JOKING OBVIOUSLY!!😜 But at least I would have my own gym by now!


 We get motivation from different sources- like few people want to impress the girl who just smiled at him for whatever reason it maybe and few people watch motivational videos about fitness in night and get really charged up and think that they will wake up at 5 am the next morning and go for a jog or for a run ! They set the alarm - the alarm rings - they snooze the alarm -the alarm stops !

I don't know why the time is 11:10 maybe hat's the time we wake up

You dream with open eyes the last night about getting fit and start exercising from tomorrow and guess what  now they are dreaming in the conventional way while sleeping !

What I just want to say is If you're watching motivation videos or getting motivation from any source just act at that time only when you;re filled with energy ! You got charged up , Just go ,start doing it !


Be consistent ! I cannot emphasize on how important it is to be consistent.

Self motivation is more important 

Start making it as a habit .. There will be days when you do not want to go to the gym and exercise but remember on those days just make an effort to reach the gym, that's enough ! Exercise less but exercise !

Remember "Skipping a rope will make you fit not skipping the Gym" !

Enjoy the process don't take it as a task ! Your body will feel great moreover your mind will feel excellent !

Have this in your mind

You JUST need to train your MIND , your mind will train your BODY!

Now go and start exercising !! No procrastination ...Make a plan stick to it !

I wish you all the best ! 😃

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